Slack Packing
Slack packing is a great way to give your body (knees, feet and back) a little break while still moving forward on the trail. You can leave your pack back at the hostel and take only needed items for a "day hike". We will drop you at a trail head and off you go!
You can hike back to our hostel or to another trail head and we will pick you up and bring you back to your bunk/bed. Many hikers say that this helps keep them on the trail and gives them a better chance of completing the AT.
Slack packing backwards (being a NOBO and slacking south and vice versa) also gives you a chance to catch up with your tramily that is a day or two ahead of you.
We have many options and packages available; from a 14 mile nearby hike back to a nearby trail head for pickup all up to a multi-day package that will let you get some SERIOUS miles while travelling light.
Peter's Mountain (20 miles +\-) SOBO from Peter's Mountain back to our Hostel - $10 per person, 2 person minimum
Trent's Grocery / Dismal Falls (23 - 25 miles) - NOBO to Cross Avenue (we get your pack in the morning at Trent's / Dismal Falls and you join us later at our Hostel)
We have MANY other single and multi-day slack pack packages... call us or stop by and we'll tailor it to your needs!
See our Shuttle Services for the very popular "Pearisburg Fly-by Re-supply"